We, [110 people] the undersigned, subscribe Fifteen ($15.00) each to the capital stock of the Charlton County Centennial Association, a non-profit corporation, to be organized for the purpose of promoting a celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of the founding of Charlton County. This amount to be paid, if and when needed, with the expressed understanding that none of us are to be bound for any sum beyond the amount above subscribed.
William Mizell, Ward Harrison, Jack R. Mays, Marion P. Gantt, J. A. Gantt, W. D. Thompson, Lotts 5c & 10c Store E. R. Lott,
J. C. Jones, L. E. Stokes, Marward Bedell, Richard P. Mays, E. F. Allen, Mae J. McKendree, Theo Dinkins, W. C. Odom, Ray Gibson, G. R. Burch, W. R. McCoy, William S. Smith, E. C. Gowen, Richcliff Rest. R. B. S, E.H. Johnson, R. H. Johnson, C. C. Gowen, James W. Altman, J. B. Hinson, John Harris, Mrs. D. L. Hebard, C. L. Williams, C. J. Passieu, Hiram Altman, Alton “Shorty” Mizell, R.W. Bruschke, James L. Eaton, C. E. Glenn, J. O. Hannaford, Jr., C. L. Adkins, O. E. Raynor, B. S. Johnson, J. B. Southwell, M. A. Gay, C. W. Williams, Geo. H. Sheppard, Jack L. Scott, ….. Pittman, Jesse Gaskin, Albert Gowen, W. A. Norman, Joseph M. Jackson, E. E. McClung, L. E. Mallard, Cecil Conner, C.D. Sims, Jr. , T.L. Roddenberry, Ralph Davis, J. C. Adams, E.L. Shaffer, C.L. Passieu, E.M. Garrison, P.O. Stokes, J.Frank Roddenberry,
G.R. Gowen, Jr., J. Melton Crews, Mrs. Vera Roberts, Ben Rodgers, O.L. Nobles, Jake Moore, F.H. Davis, Allen Nazworth, S.M. Howard, J.E. Harvey, Sr., L.I. Wade, A.J. Hopkins, Jr., J.O. Sikes, J. Malcolm Wade, N.G. Wade 3rd, W.C. Hall, V.J. Pickren, J.H. Barfield, Kirby R. Jones. Wm. Kitchen, Jr, Alton J. Carter, J.M. Shuman, W.W. Pickren, Carroll Russell, John B. Southwell, Jr., Emory M. Batton, A.R. Johnson, L.D. Majors, B.H. Gowen, J.T. Conner, G.N. Birdsong, Sr., Leon Askew, Weyman R. Cleveland, J.V. Gowen, Sr. E. Bell, Charles Raulerson, R.H. Bragg, T.H. Kittrell, Thomas W. Wells, H.R. Johnson, C.D. Hopkins, Wm. A. McQueen, T.W. Edge, John S. Tyson, Jr., B. Hoyt DeLoach, A.L. Thrift, Geo. W. Chism, W.C. Hopkins, J.H. Shuman.