from "HISTORY OF CHARLTON COUNTY, GA." by Alex S. McQueen, printed 1932, pages 195-6:
GEORGE W. ALLEN (Better known as “Dick” Allen) moved to Charlton from Appling county during the early eighteen sixties, and settled on the Great Satilla river at place now known as Allen’s ferry, and on a tract of land originally granted by King George, II, of England. Hon. J.C. Buie, present owner of the tract of land, has this original grant.
Mr. Allen lived at this place until 1880 when he moved two miles southwest to place now known as the “Old Allen Homestead” where he reared a family of 11 children. He died December 12, 1905, and is buried in the Allen cemetery one mile east of the old homestead.
Mr. Allen was one of the leading citizens of his community; was honest and reliable and was always a peace-maker in the community. He was a Democrat in politics and was a member of the Masonic fraternity, holding membership in what is now Folkston Lodge No. 196, F. & A. M., but he became a member while the lodge met either at Trader’s Hill or Centerville.
George W. Allen served in the Confederate army as a private in Co. K, 4th Regiment of Georgia Cavalry; was captured in battle and was confined for 13 months in Elmira Prison, N.Y. An incident he always related that occurred during his confinement as a prisoner of war: He and a comrade had managed to secure some flour and were preparing to have hot cakes and syrup for breakfast, but just before the hot cakes were cooked a Federal officer discovered them and promptly confiscated their hot cakes and syrup and placed them back on the regular diet of bean soup, corn-bread with a small piece of fat bacon once a week. He was also punished by being forced to wear an old pork barrel an hour a day during the noon meal; a hole was cut in the bottom of the barrel for his head to project through and he was forced to walk around in a circle for an hour a day for seven days. He always maintained, however, that he was never in better health than he was on bean liquor, bean skins, bread and water.
Mr. Allen was married four times: His first wife was Miss Kizzie Davis, the second, Miss Mary Ellen Grooms, third, Miss Mamie Knox and fourth to Miss Mollie Ammons who survived him several years. To the first union were born three children: George W., Jr., a prominent citizen of the Prescott community, John A. now deceased and Mary Jane; to the second marriage were born five children: Crum, Gertrude, Joseph C., Dread B., and G. Colquitt; to the third union only one child was born and this child died in infancy; to the fourth union three children were born: Patrick Henry, who died at the age of 21, William Robert, a citizen of Folkston and Ever Lena, who first married Alex Mills and now the wife of Mr. Jordan of Waycross, Ga.
Space will not permit giving the careers of all of Mr. Allen’s children, but one son achieved prominence in the political life of the county, viz: Joseph C. Allen. He served two terms as tax receiver, two terms as tax collector, and four successive terms as Clerk of the Superior Court of Charlton County. He also served in the United States army during the Spanish-American war. He married Miss Pencey Thomas, daughter of one of the old pioneers, Riley T. Thomas, and to this union eight children were born.
W.R. Allen, better known as “Bob”, is the youngest child of George W. Allen, Sr.; he served in the United States army throughout the late World War and saw active service at the front.
John A. Allen, now deceased, was a highly respected citizen in his community, as is George W. Allen, Jr., the oldest son of this prominent pioneer.
Many grand and great-grandchildren of George W. Allen, Sr., are living in this immediate section and are among the leading citizens of their respective communities.http://link-818biographies-title