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Homecoming Day at Cornhouse Missions

Charlton County Herald

April 12, 1946


Thursday April 25 will be a big day at Cornhouse Methodist Mission near Folkston, with a Homecoming Day program to be presented on that date. An original program, such as was given in the early days of the organization will be a feature of the day.


The Atlanta Constitution will send Bill Boring widely known feature writer and his chief photographer to the meeting and the story of the mission will be fully reported in that newspaper. A trip into the wilds of the Okefenokee is being arranged for the visiting newspapermen by C.W. Waughtel, Superintendent and founder of the mission.


Rev. Swoll Sawyer, former local Methodist pastor, is a specially invited guest and he and W.W. Pickren will assist in the entertainment of the Constitution’s representatives. The public, and especially the friends of the mission who have helped to make this community betterment possible, are cordially invited to be present.


In commenting on the homecoming day event, Mr. C.W. Waughtel, founder of the mission, gave the following brief sketch of the work:


“Beginning in November 1938, a study class in Welfare Work and Adult Education was organized in the community. Our meetings were held in the old abandoned schoolhouse belonging to Richard Chesser and on lands owned by Reese Rider.


“Interest grew until we had a class averaging fifty members. The meetings were held weekly at first, but such sincere interest was shown in the work that as adult teacher I decided on a Sunday afternoon meeting. The first attendance was some sixty people and in a few weeks a record attendance of ninety-five was attained by serving dinner on the grounds.


“Outside help soon came to the aid of these people. Rev. Sawyer, pastor at Folkston at that time, W.W. Pickren and others contributed their time and efforts, giving money toward expenses of oyster suppers, weiner roasts, etc. 


“The interest has never lagged. The place of meeting has been moved to the old Ed Petty house, to the left of the St. George Road. This house has recently been partially deeded to the Trustees of the Cornhouse Church, known in the Methodist records as Pleasant Grove Church.

“The building is being repaired for use of the church and Sunday School. There is a main room 15 x 35 feet and three classrooms 8 x 12 feet.


“What the mission means to me will be discussed as part of the program. Bear in mind the date, Thursday April 25, in the afternoon. Visitors have indicated they will be present, including Rev. F.J. Gilbert, Rev. K.E. Clayton, pastor in charge of the mission, and District Superintendent Brooks of Waycross.”

Lois B. Mays Historical Research Center

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