Notes On the Johnson School
Lois Barefoot Mays
February 10, 2006
Charlton County Herald
January 21, 1909
A Sunday School has been organized at the Johnson schoolhouse three miles west of here by Earnest Altman. Ernest became a member of the church here about a year ago and he has done much good since he joined. He is living a Christian life and wants to do all the good he can. The Sunday School was organized three weeks ago. Earnest is Superintendent; Miss Bertie Grooms, Secretary; Mesdames J.H. Johnson, J.S. Grooms and Miss Earnie Altman are teachers.
December 2, 1909
The box supper at the Johnson Schoolhouse given for the benefit of Bethel Church last Friday night was quite a success. First prize was won by Miss Anna Dean for being the prettiest girl. Second prize was won by Mr. Charlie Altman for being the ugliest boy. Third prize was won by little Miss Fannie White of Homeland for being the prettiest little girl. Quite a sum of money was raised for the church. Guess who the young man was who paid $3.00 for a box and then didn’t get his box?
November 24, 1910
Johnson School District is soon to have a new building on the new site donated by Mr. H.G. Gibson. This speaks well for that community.
November 2, 1911
Miss Ethel Williams has gone out to take charge of the school in the Johnson settlement.
December 28, 1911
Professor W.A. Yarber closed a very successful term of school at the Gibson schoolhouse last Friday night.
August 14, 1913
Professor Harry J. Gibson is progressing very nicely with his school in the Spanish Creek settlement.
April 16, 1914
On the banks of Spanish Creek the pupils of Johnson School enjoyed an Easter egg hunt last Friday afternoon.
October 30, 1914
The following is a list of those licensed to teach in the schools they preside over: Among others, Johnson School, Miss Pearly Mae Mills.
December 18, 1914
Miss Pearl Mills, the accomplished daughter of F.M. Mills, closed her school in the Johnson District after two months of effective teaching.
February 26, 1915
The trustees of the Johnson District met recently and employed W.M. Wilson to teach a three-month term of school commencing on the 17th of May.
July 14, 1916
Miss Clennie Stokes is now teaching the Johnson School, with splendid success.
September 15, 1916
Miss Clennie Stokes closed a successful school term at the Johnson schoolhouse last Friday. Miss Stokes will begin a term at the Mills schoolhouse September 18th.
January 19, 1917
Johnson School under the supervision of Miss Julia Belle DeGraffenreid is making a fine showing. This is a choice little school. The following is the honor roll of the Johnson School: lst grade, Kathleen Brooks. 2nd grade, Vera Dinkins, Gerome Murray. 3rd grade, Alma Brooks, Scott Johnson. 4th grade, Ena Gibson, Ada Mitchell, Guy Brooks, Eula Brooks, Lucy Mitchell. 5th grade, Geneva Mizell, Grace Lucas. 6th grade, Blanche Lucas and Mattie Gibson.
January 26, 1917
Honor Roll of Johnson School: lst grade, Kathleen Brooks, Ellis Dinkins. 2nd grade, Julian Murray, Vera Dinkins. 3rd grade, Theodora Mitchell, Alma Brooks, Ena Lee, Ephriam Lee. 4th grade: Ada Mitchell, Ena Gibson, Eula Brooks. 5th grade, Russell Johnson, Gilbert Murray, Clifford Murray, Grace Lucas. 6th grade, Edd J. Benton, Blanche Lucas, Mattie Gibson, Comas Lucas.
August 31, 1917
The list of teachers appointed in Charlton County is as follows: Among others, Johnson-Gibson School, John S. Gibson.
January 31, 1919
At the last meeting of the county Board of Education the following amounts were audited for the month of January: Among others, Johnson-Gibson School, P.G. Brooks, $65.00.
January 23, 1920
Ralph Johnson is a new Folkston 7th grade pupil from the Johnson District.
September 14, 1923
Johnson-Gibson School is being taught by Mrs. C.M. Scott. This school has thirty pupils.
November 28, 1924
Among teachers meeting Saturday at the organization of the County Education Association was Mrs. Poplin, teacher of the Johnson School.
June 26, 1925
Bids for the transportation of the Johnson School pupils and the Petty School pupils to the Uptonville Consolidated School will be received June 30th at the Uptonville School. Signed, Mrs. B.B. Gowen, Secretary of Board of Trustees.
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In 1920 the school districts were: Folkston, St. George, Chisholm, Boone’s Creek, Uptonville, Newell, Stokesville, Bachlott, Traders Hill, Sandusky, Roddenberry, Racepond, Johnson, Gibson, Moniac, Canaday, Bailey’s Branch, Camp Pinckney, Cornhouse Creek, Chesser’s Island, Billy’s Island, Homeland and Kennison – twenty-three in all.
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The list of schools with enrollments in March 1924 was: Folkston, 267; St. George, 217; Traders Hill, 59; Moniac, 58; Winokur, 78; Billy’s Island, 96; Uptonville, 71; Sardis, 49; Prescott, 32; Sandusky, 16; Johnson, 30; Racepond, 36; Lyons, 12; Riverview, 32; Screven, 34; Kennison, 27. The total enrollment was l,104.
NOTE: Apparently the Johnson School was consolidated with the Uptonville School in 1925.